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  There are dates available in March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December.

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Debates in the Chamber

All meetings in the Debating Chamber are open to the public. Come in and watch them happen.

+ 84 more dates
Various times per date
The Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh, EH99 1SP


Chamber business usually takes place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the afternoon, when parliament is sitting. It includes debates, questions or statements.

Visit the Parliament website to find out what's being debated on the day of your visit.

Book a ticket to sit in the public gallery and watch a debate taking place.

(Please note, there is a separate booking process if you want to attend First Minister's Questions.)

The Scottish Parliament An event by The Scottish Parliament


The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Discover more from The Scottish Parliament

Group Visits
06 Sep 2024
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Group Visits
The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh
Friday 6 September 2024
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